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Myrtle Beach Area New Construction Homes and Townhouses for Sale

Also, new homes for sale in Aynor, Conway, Garden City, Little River, Longs, Loris, Murrells Inlet, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside, Pawleys Island and Brunswick County, NC

Welcome to the Beach Pro Team’s page dedicated to new construction homes. We are your experts! There are so many great reasons to buy a brand-new home - but the choices are daunting, with a huge, ever-growing list of new home communities along the Grand Strand. Our website is a great starting point for your search (New Construction Communities). The next step is to contact one of our experienced buyer agents to assist you with your search and to represent your interests with the builder. (6 Reasons to Use a Buyer’s Agent for Your New Construction Home Purchase).

For best results, please select property type first.
For best results, please select property type first.

New Construction Homes
Allston Park Brunswick County
ArcadiaMyrtle Beach
Auberon Woods Conway
Avery WoodsLongs
Barker FarmsLoris
Beach Gardens Conway
Bella Vita Myrtle Beach
Bella_VitaMyrtle Beach
Bluffs at Sun ColonyLongs
Briarfield Conway
BridgewaterLittle River
Bridgewater Cottages at BridgewaterLittle River
Brunswick Plantation Brunswick County
Buckeye ForestConway
Carrington WoodsLongs
Carters Bluff Conway
Chestnut FarmsConway
Chestnut RidgeConway
Clear PondMyrtle Beach
Coastal Club - Beach BungalowCalabash
Coastal Point WestConway
Creekside PointLittle River
Crescent CoveMyrtle Beach
Cypress Ridge Longs
Del Webb at Grande DunesMyrtle Beach
Del Webb North Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle Beach
Eagle RunBrunswick County
Eden SpringsLongs
Garden GroveConway
Glasgow Village at International ClubMurrells Inlet
Grandview Estates at BridgewaterLittle River
Grissett Landing Conway
Harbor Club on Winyah BayGeorgetown
Harborview Myrtle Beach
Harper MeadowsLoris
Haven ViewMurrells Inlet
Heather Glen Little River
Heritage CrossingConway
Heritage ParkLongs
Heron PointeMyrtle Beach
Hidden Pines Conway
Hill Street VillasNorth Myrtle Beach
Hunters TraceCalabash
Indigo Bay Myrtle Beach
Ingram DunesNorth Myrtle Beach
International ClubMurrells Inlet
Ivy WoodsLongs
Jordan GroveConway
Jordanville FarmsAynor
Kingston BayConway
Kingswood On The WaterwayNorth Myrtle Beach
Longwood Bluffs at Prince CreekMurrells Inlet
Lyden VillageMyrtle Beach
Marina Bay ColonyNorth Myrtle Beach
Marsh PointePawleys Island
Meadow WalkLoris
Meadows EdgeConway
Merrill Villas Myrtle Beach
Night Owl FarmsConway
North Village at Grande DunesLongs
NorthbrookMurrells Inlet
Oak HollowLongs
Ocean Palms Surfside Beach
Oyster BluffMyrtle Beach
Peru Plantation Georgetown
Prince CreekMurrells Inlet
Ranch HavenMurrells Inlet
Red Hill CommonsConway
Rivertown LandingConway
Rivertown Row NorthConway
Saddle Ridge Conway
Sanderling BayPawleys Island
Sandridge ParkLittle River
SayeBrook Myrtle Beach
Seabreeze IIMyrtle Beach
SeaChase PointeNorth Myrtle Beach
Sessions Point Conway
Shaftesbury Meadows Conway
ShellwoodLittle River
Smithfield at BrunswickCalabash
Somerset - Myrtle BeachMyrtle Beach
Spring Oaks Conway
Spring View LandingLoris
Starfish Village at BridgewaterLittle River
Sun ColonyLongs
Sunset LandingLittle River
Sutton FarmLoris
The Reserve at Wild HorseConway
The Retreat at Wild WingMyrtle Beach
The Vistas at Sun ColonyLongs
The WillowsLoris
Traditions at Carolina ForestMyrtle Beach
Trieste at Bella VitaMyrtle Beach
Tupelo ParkLongs
Tuscan SandsNorth Myrtle Beach
Village OaksMyrtle Beach
Warner CrossingLoris
Waterbridge Myrtle Beach
Wedgefield PlantationGeorgetown
White Oaks EstatesConway
Wild HorseConway
Wild Wing Myrtle Beach
Woodside CrossingConway

New Construction Homes
AynorJordanville Farms
Brunswick CountyAllston Park
Brunswick CountyBrunswick Plantation
Brunswick CountyEagle Run
CalabashCoastal Club - Beach Bungalow
CalabashHunters Trace
CalabashSmithfield at Brunswick
ConwayAuberon Woods
ConwayBeach Gardens
ConwayBuckeye Forest
ConwayCarters Bluff
ConwayChestnut Farms
ConwayChestnut Ridge
ConwayCoastal Point West
ConwayGarden Grove
ConwayGrissett Landing
ConwayHeritage Crossing
ConwayHidden Pines
ConwayJordan Grove
ConwayKingston Bay
ConwayMeadows Edge
ConwayNight Owl Farms
ConwayRed Hill Commons
ConwayRivertown Landing
ConwayRivertown Row North
ConwaySaddle Ridge
ConwaySessions Point
ConwayShaftesbury Meadows
ConwaySpring Oaks
ConwayThe Reserve at Wild Horse
ConwayWhite Oaks Estates
ConwayWild Horse
ConwayWoodside Crossing
GeorgetownHarbor Club on Winyah Bay
GeorgetownPeru Plantation
GeorgetownWedgefield Plantation
Little RiverBridgewater
Little RiverBridgewater Cottages at Bridgewater
Little RiverCreekside Point
Little RiverGrandview Estates at Bridgewater
Little RiverHeather Glen
Little RiverSandridge Park
Little RiverShellwood
Little RiverStarfish Village at Bridgewater
Little RiverSunset Landing
LongsAvery Woods
LongsBluffs at Sun Colony
LongsCarrington Woods
LongsCypress Ridge
LongsEden Springs
LongsHeritage Park
LongsIvy Woods
LongsNorth Village at Grande Dunes
LongsOak Hollow
LongsSun Colony
LongsThe Vistas at Sun Colony
LongsTupelo Park
LorisBarker Farms
LorisHarper Meadows
LorisMeadow Walk
LorisSpring View Landing
LorisSutton Farm
LorisThe Willows
LorisWarner Crossing
Murrells InletGlasgow Village at International Club
Murrells InletHaven View
Murrells InletInternational Club
Murrells InletLongwood Bluffs at Prince Creek
Murrells InletNorthbrook
Murrells InletPrince Creek
Murrells InletRanch Haven
Myrtle BeachArcadia
Myrtle BeachBella Vita
Myrtle BeachBella_Vita
Myrtle BeachClear Pond
Myrtle BeachCrescent Cove
Myrtle BeachDel Webb at Grande Dunes
Myrtle BeachHarborview
Myrtle BeachHeron Pointe
Myrtle BeachIndigo Bay
Myrtle BeachLyden Village
Myrtle BeachMerrill Villas
Myrtle BeachOyster Bluff
Myrtle BeachSayeBrook
Myrtle BeachSeabreeze II
Myrtle BeachSomerset - Myrtle Beach
Myrtle BeachThe Retreat at Wild Wing
Myrtle BeachTraditions at Carolina Forest
Myrtle BeachTrieste at Bella Vita
Myrtle BeachVillage Oaks
Myrtle BeachWaterbridge
Myrtle BeachWild Wing
North Myrtle BeachDel Webb North Myrtle Beach
North Myrtle BeachHill Street Villas
North Myrtle BeachIngram Dunes
North Myrtle BeachKingswood On The Waterway
North Myrtle BeachMarina Bay Colony
North Myrtle BeachSeaChase Pointe
North Myrtle BeachTuscan Sands
Pawleys IslandMarsh Pointe
Pawleys IslandSanderling Bay
Surfside BeachOcean Palms

Other Real Estate Services: monthly listing updates, real-time notifications for listings, lender list for conventional and condotel financing, yearly closed sales price histories (for over 190 condo resorts since 2009), Best team (Beach Pro Reviews) with the best company (RE/MAX Southern Shores).

The Beach Pro Team serves Myrtle Beach and Carolina Forest, North Myrtle Beach and Little River, Surfside, Garden City, Murrells Inlet, Pawleys Island, Longs, Conway, Loris and Brunswick County, NC

We are ready to help you buy or sell a condo or home.

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