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Avg $ | Avg Beds | Avg Baths | Avg HSF | Avg Age |
$371,221 | 2.5 | 2.1 | 1193 | -0.8 |
Avg $/HSF | Highest $ | Lowest $ | 1st Yr Built | # of Solds |
$314 | $490,625 | $345,990 | 2023 | 94 |
North Village at Grande Dunes Homes for Sale
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2286 Hazel Way
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

For a LIMITED time only, save thousands in upgrades during our Homesite of the month special! The Bramante Ranch has it all. Enter through the foye...
9012 Mabel Ct.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Located in the prestigious gated community of Grande Dunes North Village this 3-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom home offers the perfect blend of elegance and...
Reduced -$10,000
2760 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2748 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2808 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

The Tate takes the cottage collection to another level of stylish design. A large front porch provides desirable outdoor living space. Inside, an o...
2764 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2752 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2740 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2737 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2756 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
2744 Rowyn St.
Longs, SC 29568
Grande Dunes - North Village

Welcome to the Cottages in Grande Dunes North Village, a gated, amenity-rich, waterway neighborhood where yard maintenance is covered and the activ...
Increase +$2,000
To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.