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Avg $ | Avg Beds | Avg Baths | Avg HSF | Avg Age |
$1,042,729 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 2394 | 2 |
Avg $/HSF | Highest $ | Lowest $ | 1st Yr Built | # of Solds |
$441 | $1,159,900 | $909,900 | 2019 | 116 |
Living Dunes at Grande Dunes Homes for Sale
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835 Crescent Sable Ct.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Grande Dunes - Living Dunes

At 2,777 heated sqft, this To Be Built Home is a 2-story Brand New Jefferson plan located on lot 126 which has front porch water views and a 2-car ...
8205 Sandlapper Dr.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Grande Dunes - Living Dunes

Presenting a Charleston style haven nestled in the serene landscape of Living Dunes in Myrtle Beach, SC. This stunning property, featuring 4 spacio...
8111 Laurel Ash Ave.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Grande Dunes - Living Dunes

So many upgrades in this home! Enjoy the views from the 2nd story porch on this Cooper floor plan! As you enter this home the wood floors and a chu...
8080 Laurel Ash Ave.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Grande Dunes - Living Dunes

This to-be-built home will feature the Charleston plan situated on Lot 61, offering a beautiful water view from its 2nd story porch. This home has ...
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