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Avg $ | Avg Beds | Avg Baths | Avg HSF | Avg Age |
$507,450 | 3 | 2.5 | 1555 | 7 |
Avg $/HSF | Highest $ | Lowest $ | 1st Yr Built | # of Solds |
$327 | $539,900 | $475,000 | 2011 | 44 |
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52 Fish Shack Alley
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
Murrells Inlet Village

Immerse yourself in a world of comfort as you step into this exquisite newly constructed raised beach home, in Murrells Inlet Village. Situated jus...
Reduced -$5,000
5226 Highway 17 Business
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
Murrells Inlet Village

Kick back and start living the best of the Inlet life here in Murrells Inlet Village. Located on the south end of Murrells Inlet in a raised beach ...
Reduced -$20,000
To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.
To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.