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Avg $ | Avg Beds | Avg Baths | Avg HSF | Avg Age |
$362,400 | 3.5 | 2.3 | 1923 | 0 |
Avg $/HSF | Highest $ | Lowest $ | 1st Yr Built | # of Solds |
$194 | $419,900 | $324,900 | 2024 | 11 |
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384 NW Mayflower Dr.
Calabash, NC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park in Calabash, NC. Calling all golf lovers! Allston Park is located behind Meadowlands Golf Resort! Allston Park boasts large...
Reduced -$5,000
313 Mayflower Dr.
Calabash, NC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park in Calabash, NC. Calling all golf lovers! Allston Park is located behind Meadowlands Golf Club! Allston Park boasts large l...
Reduced -$10,000
710 NW Night Lotus Dr.
Calabash, SC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park, just three miles from World-Famous Seafood restaurants and shopping in quaint Calabash, NC! Allston Park boasts large home...
Reduced -$3,000
360 Mayflower Dr.
Calabash, NC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park in Calabash, NC. Calling all golf lovers! Allston Park is located within less than 5 minutes to dozens of fabulous Golf Cou...
Reduced -$5,000
714 Night Lotus Dr.
Calabash, NC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park, just three miles from World-Famous Seafood restaurants and shopping in quaint Calabash, NC! Allston Park boasts large home...
Reduced -$10,000
364 Mayflower Dr.
Calabash, NC 28467
Allston Park - Nc

Welcome to Allston Park in Calabash, NC. Calling all golf lovers! Allston Park is located within less than 5 minutes to dozens of fabulous Golf Cou...
Reduced -$5,000
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To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.