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Avg $ | Avg Beds | Avg Baths | Avg HSF | Avg Age |
$722,967 | 3.7 | 2.7 | 2319 | 14.7 |
Avg $/HSF | Highest $ | Lowest $ | 1st Yr Built | # of Solds |
$316 | $919,900 | $609,000 | 2001 | 31 |
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410 5th Ave. S
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
The Palms At 5th Avenue South - NMB

*These renderings are for visual use only. Colors and details may vary per plan.* Estimated Completion October 2024.2nd Photo is current progress ....
Reduced -$60,000
508 5th Ave. S
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
The Palms At 5th Avenue South - NMB

Only 5 blocks to the Atlantic Ocean, in the Ocean Drive section of North Myrtle Beach, you will find this well maintained 1-1/2 story all brick hom...
516 5th Ave. S
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
The Palms At 5th Avenue South - NMB

Welcome to 516 5th Ave South, a beautifully maintained home in the highly sought after Ocean Drive section of North Myrtle Beach - just five blocks...
To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.
To see other subdivisions, choose either Popular Communities or Only Communities Actively Selling New Homes.